The Liebster Award

liebster awardI am honored that Storm @ has nominated me to receive The Liebster Award. It is with surprise and much joy that I accept. She is a loving caring and strong woman who I look up to. She has an amazing blog and is an outstanding lady! I am so touched by this award!

Below is the list of my nominees for The Liebster Award. No particular order. I appreciate each one for inspiring me through their words, photography, poetry, and inspiring stories. While the rules stated that each nominee should have less than 500 followers – in many cases, I was not able to view their list of followers, my sincerest apology.
This is why I was nominated by Storm…
Storm I am truly touched for you thinking of me and presenting me with this award! Words could never express how appreciated you are!

Virginia –, is a generous soul. She has a tendency to expose the works of others, thus spreading her message & yours as well.

Here are my questions and answers…
1. What is the best thing about you?
My love for Mother Nature and all her children.
2. What time of day do you blog?
I have no true set time to blog, normally I try to do so each morning; and if I have time in the afternoons.
3. How many revisions does it take before you finally publish?
I used to be concerned that everything I press must be perfect… but as of now, I do not feed too much into it. I just post what I love, which is mostly photos of nature, and I occasionally post natural news as to educate my readers.
4. Who is/was the most influential person in your life.
My Mom has always been my number one fan, my mentor, and the one who always kept me on my toes. I owe to her the person I am today. She has loved me and made sure to show how much my entire life; and has always been there in my times of need!
5. In one word describe yourself
One word, Environmentalist.
6. Where do you see yourself one year from now?
In one year from now, I hope to continue with my online business at; and also hope to return to work towards my Doctorates in Alternative Medicine with herbal and mycology as my main interests. I hope to help educate others on the facts that our bodies are meant to heal themselves and we have everything here on Earth we need to fight infections, and viruses, etc.
7. What is your favorite social media?
My favorite has to be WordPress because I have met so many here with the same likes, interests, and goals!
8. What type of blogs do you follow?
I follow mostly nature blogs, but also enjoy some that are funny; also I love informational blogs about natural healing, etc.
9. What is the motivating factor for you to blog?
My motivating factor behind my blog is to help educate the world on love, healing, personal expansion, life, etc.; and to find others with similar tastes and passions!
10. How would you describe my blog content to someone who has not read it.
My blog is a collection of favorites and also my own photography and articles that interest me.
11. What have you learned about yourself from blogging?
Blogging has helped me to realize how many other people in the world enjoy the same things that I care about; and that others do care what I have to say!

I am to nominate 11 others; so here are my 11 which is in no particular order…

I nominate you because we have very similar tastes and passions; and Chun has been one of my number one fans from the start. Also I love that he knows the scientific names of all the flowers and plants posted. Chun has an amazing nature blog that I highly recommend.

I nominate Luigi because he also has very similar passions; and seem to enjoy life, as do I. He has some awesome photos of fungi that he has collected from all over the world! He has taken the time to find me on other social networks, and has been very informative in his blogs!

I nominate Michael because he is a fellow Taurus; enjoys natural things in life and has some of the most amazing projects I have ever seen; such as, his cutting boards, and birdhouses, and Willow mushroom statues (my favorite. As well he also blogs about his trail cam and brings knowledge of what creeps at night here in the USA.

I nominate you for many reasons… First you are an amazing photographer! You are loving, caring, and an amazing lady! I have never met you but I feel as if I have known you for years. We share the same passions in life, and seem to understand each other very well. You have an amazing blog, not just the photos but everything that you post is inspirational!

I nominate Jennifer because she has an amazing blog, full of wonderful poems and stories. She is a very talented writer and her words are inspirational. She is an amazing person that deserves the best in life!

I nominate Amy because she is a fellow photographer with an inspirational blog and she has amazing photography talent. We share many of the same interests!

I nominate Mitch Zeissler because he not only is an amazing photographer but also a graphic artist; two things we both fancy. He has an amazing blog and is very informative.

I nominate Michael for his amazing photography blog, consisting mostly of nature and landscapes. He also has amazing shots of some birds I have never seen before! He calls himself an amateur photographer but I must say his work speaks of professional quality!

I nominate ipadnprophotography because of the amazing photography on the blog; and has been one of my number one fans since the start! We seem to have the same interests and passions when it comes to photography!

I nominate Kenne because he has a very inspirational blog, and is a very interesting soul. He is very intelligent and has very informative posts as well. We share the same passions for photography, nature, and wanting to know everything about everything! His words inspire me and hopefully you!

I nominate Abhishek because of his peaceful soul and caring nature! He has an amazing nature blog with inspirational words; he is a loving soul that projects a goodness into the world.

Here are the 11 questions asked:
1. What is the best thing about you?
2. What time of day do you blog?
3. How many revisions does it take before you finally publish?
4. Who is/was the most influential person in your life.
5. In one word describe yourself
6. Where do you see yourself one year from now?
7. What is your favorite social media?
8. What type of blogs do you follow?
9. What is the motivating factor for you to blog?
10. How would you describe my blog content to someone who has not read it.
11. What have you learned about yourself from blogging?

Rules for accepting the award
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 follower
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Tag your nominees and post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.